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The history of a dying tree by ivy

강창오2023.06.24 12:11조회 수 38댓글 0

    • 글자 크기


What is this?

A surge with a goosebump fright

By the sudden grip on my neck so harsh and tight

Of the companion I enjoyed bountiful warmth and comfort


The seedling with gleaming green eyes so pure

Turned to a vengeful Medusa

Spewing the bout of pant with dark smile


The day of long passed

My first encounter with a tiny green that tickled my footing

I instantly got absorbed, in glee, the innocent looking straight up

That uphill wriggle sparkled my sympathy

I upheld it, guided and encouraged


It grew reaching in the midst of my height

My love ripened strong poured into that sapling

Admiring it’s spirit striving and unflinching

Never enough of the constant nurture from me


Should I blame the passage of life?

I was way too lax until this unseeable, heart-wrenching plight

While the young’en raised up big

The tender stems became the rope of a starving demon

began squeezing my breath out a bit by bit


In no time, for I attempted shaking it off

Exhausting all my strengths in no vain

The thick knotted rope tightened my neck stop at nothing

“Alas, it’s now too little too late, what have I done?”

The doomed regret deepened on my defeated fate


It was so lovely to see the little green fellow

When breaking the earth and appeared in sight

I put myself in the sanctuary for it all the way

The sheer betrayal despite all that I had done for

Demanding my life return evil for good, truly


The cunning dance that on the see-saw

Quenching the last pocket of air by a mortal pressure

My big sturdy trunk wilts rapidly drying out sagging the last drop of energy

The pain finally stopped over this vicious game of hide and seek

I feel peace in the gap of the yellow void


    • 글자 크기
담쟁이 고목(枯木)의 역사 다정했던 친구 캐롤 G

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- 영국 유학
- BBC방송국 Personnel, Journalist Training & Occupational Health Depts.
- The British Library, Oriental and Indian Office Collections
- 재직시 The Poetry Society(London)회원
- 애틀랜타 문학회 회원
- 애틀랜타신인문학상 우수상 수상

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